
Kawkab Hassan on Liberating the Levant

Recorded on September 20, 2067, in Brooklyn, and released on May 1st, 2024 during a demo in Krakow, the broadsheet “Kawkab Hassan on Liberating the Levant” wishfully announces news of the future as though it were the present: Palestine liberated and global empire abolished. We publish this broadsheet amidst rapidly unfolding events in Palestine and beyond. The emergent international solidarity movement, a response to the unthinkable horrors and catastrophes of the latest imperial genocide, is an outburst of radiant paths of autonomy and international solidarity. We can only hope that our reality meets and outpaces the time-lines this sci-fi account.

The content of the broadsheet was taken from the novel Everything for Everyone: An Oral History of the New York Commune, 2052–2072, by M. E. O’Brien and Eman Abdelhadi. 

Authors: M. E. O’Brien and Eman Abdelhadi
Publisher: Dabartis & Common Notions
Published: 2024
Format: Broadsheet
Page count: 8
price: 3eu
The first communes to rise out of the wreckage were in the Levant (2041) and in the Andes (2043). These insurrections became models for communization as more and more nation-states fell into disarray. 


In Poland at Spoldzielnia Ogniwo (Krakow) and Niecztelne Illegibles, in Copenhagen at the Book Cafe, in Vilnius  Luna6, London at 56a.

To pick up your own copies get in touch! For digital copy: here

Common Notions Press



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